My Research

Measurement-Induced Phaenomena

In the context of measurement-induced phenomena in open quantum systems, I am interested in the role of time-periodic phenomena in quantum systems that are coupled to an environment which acts as a measurement apparatus. These interactions are pivotal in understanding various measurement-induced quantum phenomena.

This work is presents a toy model for a measurement-induced clock in a lattice ring of non-interacting electrons. With this model, I show that time-periodicity in steady-state correlations can emerge in non-interacting, dissipative systems solely through environmental interactions and measurements. This exploration contributes to the broader understanding of measurement-induced dynamics in quantum systems.

In my research, I am working on efficient numerical simulation methods for open quantum systems, using e.g. time-dependent variational principles.

Simulating the dynamics of bosonic codes in particular plays a key role in the fundamental understanding of bosonic quantum computers, by simulating time-dependent gates and analyzing leakage of quantum information.

In a recent preprint article, I developed a new method to simulate the dynamics of bosonic quantum systems with large occupation numbers while still capturing all quantum fluctuations, a task that is challenging with conventional Fock-based approaches.

Time-evolution of a Cat State
Time-evolution of a Cat State

Simulating Open Quantum Systems

In my research, I've developed a bosonic quantum error correcting code that employs squeezed cat states and that is more efficient than previous codes. This involved a thorough analysis of the squeezed cat code and the development of protocols for code generation, elementary quantum gates, and an optimal recovery protocol that can be implemented on existing quantum hardware.

Squeezed cat -  action of errors
Squeezed cat -  action of errors
Squeezed cat - channel fidelity
Squeezed cat - channel fidelity
Squeezed cat - code and error spaces
Squeezed cat - code and error spaces

Quantum Error Correction

Quantum error correction is pivotal on the road toward fault-tolerant quantum computing.

In my work, I am pushing the boundaries to find bosonic quantum codes that can readily be implemented on state-of-the-art quantum hardware platforms and that are tailored to the specific noise of the hardware.

New Bosonic Codes

Bosonic Codes Comparison
Bosonic Codes Comparison