David Schlegel - EPFL PhD student
David Schlegel - EPFL PhD student

David Schlegel

I'm a quantum physicist at Alice & Bob. I work in the field of bosonic quantum error correction, numerical simulation of superconducting circuits, fault-tolerant quantum computing, and quantum information theory.

My Research Interests

Quantum Error Correction

The susceptibility of quantum information to environmental disturbances and experimental inaccuracies poses a challenge to usable quantum information processors. Quantum error correction (QEC) - a method for shielding quantum information from noise - is crucial for the realization of universally applicable and scalable quantum computation.

In my research, I developed a new bosonic quantum code that could outperform many other quantum codes and that might be implemented in future quantum devices.

Simulating Open Quantum Systems

In realistic quantum systems, interactions with the environment play a crucial role, giving rise to decoherence, dissipation processes, and the decay of quantum information.

Efficiently simulating the dynamics of many-body driven-dissipative systems is a key requirement to understanding time-dependent processes such as quantum gates as well as to investigating emergent phenomena such as dissipative phase transitions, criticality, and quantum chaos.

I am actively working on new variational methods to efficiently simulate the dynamics of bosonic many-body driven-dissipative systems. This also enables the study of time-dependent phenomena in bosonic codes.

Quantum Information Theory

Quantum Information Theory forms the theoretical foundation for quantum computation and communication, exploring the unique potential of quantum systems for information processing.

My current focus lies in studying the capacity of quantum channels under realistic noise conditions, including photon loss and dephasing. This research provides crucial insights for harnessing the true power of quantum technologies in practical applications.

Fault-tolerant Quantum Computing

Fault-tolerant quantum computing represents a visionary approach to quantum computing, striving to execute complex quantum computations reliably, even in the face of inevitable quantum errors. By utilizing sophisticated error correction codes and architectures, fault-tolerant quantum computing aims to overcome the fragility of quantum information and pave the way for the realization of large-scale, practical quantum systems.

As an active researcher in this field, I am deeply committed to advancing our understanding and pushing the boundaries of this transformative technology.

In my research, I developed a novel bosonic quantum code, which can protect quantum information from environmental and experimental errors more effectively than existing quantum codes, potentially improving the performance of future quantum computing devices.

I am developing new variational methods for efficiently simulating the dynamics of bosonic many-body driven-dissipative systems, a crucial component in understanding time-dependent processes like quantum gates of bosonic codes.

As a dedicated researcher, I am striving to advance fault-tolerant quantum computing, an innovative approach that uses sophisticated error correction codes to execute reliable, complex quantum computations, despite inevitable quantum errors, thereby enabling the development of practical, large-scale quantum systems.

I am currently focusing on Quantum Information Theory, specifically studying the capacity of quantum channels under real-world noise conditions, which is pivotal for understanding and leveraging the full potential of quantum technologies in practical applications.

About Me

I'm a quantum physicist at Alice & Bob,  Paris, specializing in numerical modeling and simulation of superconducting circuits,

I obtained my PhD at EPFL, Switzerland, focusing on bosonic quantum error correction, fault-tolerant quantum computing, and quantum information theory.

I studied Physics and Philosophy at the University of Göttingen, Germany. After my Master's in Theoretical Physics, seeking to learn more and contribute to research in quantum science and technology, I moved to EPFL where I obtained my PhD.

David Schlegel - EPFL PhD student
David Schlegel - EPFL PhD student

I have a strong interest in various fields of research in quantum science. This includes quantum computing, quantum information theory, practical applications of quantum theory, and the foundational principles of quantum mechanics. I find each of these areas fascinating and believe that they offer great potential for advancing our understanding of the world around us.

Get in touch with me

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